  Manresa Link
Contact Address Current Core Group chairperson or secretary
Email:                                  [email protected]
Web site:                 

Manresa Link - a brief description

Manresa Link is an ecumenical association of Christians principally resident in the West Midlands, England. It exists to train, encourage and
support a network of people drawn to a ministry of prayer and Accompaniment, rooted in the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola.


The Object of Manresa Link shall be to promote Christian spirituality and prayer through:

  • the training and ongoing support and encouragement of prayer guides;
  • encouraging members in undertaking retreats, quiet days, ongoing spiritual accompaniment, and similar work;
  • offering this ministry to people of all Christian denominations and none.


Membership of Manresa Link shall be open to anyone who has completed appropriate training in Ignatian Spirituality work.
The Core Group shall be responsible for ensuring that this condition has been satisfied.  Each member shall pay an annual
subscription. Membership may be discontinued where no subscription has been paid for a period of two years (unless the
member has opted for email/newsletter only membership).

Members are encouraged to share the gifts of Ignatian spirituality on their own initiative wherever they find opportunity. 
However if they facilitate Retreats in Daily Life in the name of Manresa Link, or make mention of Manresa Link in the
associated details or documentation, and wish to be covered by any public liability insurance that Manresa Link may have
taken out, they:

  • should not normally receive remuneration but may be indemnified for expenses reasonably incurred.
  • will comply with current Manresa Link Safeguarding guidelines/policies 
  • will comply with current Manresa Link Data Protection guidelines/policies
  • will accept that all guides should be supervised.
  • will be expected to receive ongoing training from time to time as appropriate.
  • will comply with current Manresa Link Health & Safety guidelines/policies 
  • will use as prayer guides only members of Manresa Link or others agreed by the Core Group as of at least
    comparable standing and all guides used will accept and comply with conditions a) to f) above.


All monies received for the work of Manresa Link shall be used for the furtherance of the Object as stated above.
The Core Group shall ensure that up-to-date financial records are kept, and that these are reported regularly to the Core Group.
The financial records shall be audited annually, and reported annually to the membership.
When donations from “Manresa Link RIDLs” exceed the expenses claimed or incurred, any such excess will be paid into
the Manresa Link account to contribute to overall expenses.

Core Group

A Core Group shall be formed whose purpose shall be to promote the Object of Manresa Link by:

  • providing financial and organisational oversight for the work of Manresa Link;
  • ensuring that donations received for specific purposes will be used accordingly;
  • seeking to provide support and encouragement to members in their prayer and spirituality work;
  • organising an Annual Meeting to which all members shall be invited, and at least one other meeting annually;
  • circulating a twice yearly newsletter to all members.
  • providing, procuring and offering training from time to time to support the aims and objectives of Manresa Link.
  • presenting an annual report about the identified activities of members, and a summary of the accounts.

The activities of the Core Group shall be governed by the following requirements:

  • membership shall consist of at least four people, and should be recruited to represent the diversity of the membership;
  • Core Group members shall serve for up to four years, and shall not normally be immediately re-elected.
  • the Core Group shall appoint a chairperson and a secretary, and shall undertake to maintain a record of meetings and
    by the treasurer shall be signed by the treasurer and one other person, designated by the Core Group;
  • the Core Group shall meet on at least three occasions per year;
  • adoption of this constitution, and the making of any subsequent amendments, shall require agreement of at least two t
    hirds of the members of the Core Group following consultation with the membership;
  • in the event that Manresa Link is wound up, the Core Group shall ensure that funds remaining in Manresa Link accounts
    shall be disbursed in a manner that is consistent with its object, and after consultation with its membership.

Powers of the Core Group

The Core Group shall have the power to:

  • add new members to the Core Group;
  • set a maximum number for membership of the Core Group;
  • designate signatories for signing of cheques;
  • authorise payments to help with training or courses to be undertaken by members;
  • make amendments to this constitution, after consultation with the membership.
  • determine the annual contribution payable by members to support the running of Manresa Link


This constitution was discussed at the Core Group meeting held on 22-11-18, and adopted by all members
after further email discussion, ending on 24-12-18.